Creating a Sliver

To create a sliver at a specific aggregate in jFed Probe

1. click ”Aggregate Manager APIs”, then “Aggregate Manager v2” submenu and finally “createSliver” in the left pane of jFed Probe.

2. click the option “Server of Known Authority” at the top of the right pane of jFed Probe. Select the aggregate manager that you want. For example: univbris.vtam for the virtualization aggregation manager of UNIVBRIS OFELIA.

3. select the credential of the slice that you just registered before.

4. select the “sliceUrn” that matches the credential that you selected in step 3 above.

5. input the RSpecs for the particular resources and aggregate manager that you want to reserve. For details about how to write RSpecs for UNIVBRIS OFELIA, see the main “User Manual”.

6. if you are creating new viirtual machines, you must specify the in the “UserSpecList” your public SSH key. Usually the format of the key will be ssh-rsa <public_ssh_key> <comment_if_desired>