Configuring virtual machines for experimentation

After an experimenter logs into his virtual machine, he needs to perform some tasks to configure the experiment network interface (most probably eth1 on UNIVBRIS OFELIA but experimenters can use information in the item (d) on page to verify this) of his virtual machine so that he can send traffic through his flowspace (part) on the OpenFlow network. Since on UNIVBRIS OFELIA experimenters are allocated VLANs to separate their traffic from other traffic, experimenters need to create a VLAN interface on the experiment network interface eth1. This is done by using the following commands:

ifconfig eth1 up

vconfig add eth1 VLAN_ALLOCATED

The experimenter needs to replace the VLAN_ALLOCATED with the VLAN which was assigned to them by UNIVBRIS OFELIA OFAM.

The experimenter can then give the VLAN interface an IP by using the following command:


It is desirable that experimenters do not give an IP in the 10. network because this may cause traffic to go to the control interface rather than the experiment interface.

An additional configuration for the experiment interface is to set the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to 1496 bytes because of the network configuration in the testbed.

ifconfig  eth1.VLAN_ALLOCATED mtu 1496